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Saturday, July 30, 2011

How Important Is Family History?

Adrianne, July 30, 2011

My husband and I have one daughter, Adrianne.  We have spent a great majority of our time learning about the places our ancestors lived and trying to identify them.  We knew that one day Adrianne would have to draw from her heritage as she transitions to making her mark on the world.

We did not want her to rely on anyone or any secular organization to define for her who she is or what her potential is.  She was taught that her education was her responsibility and that she should always supplement her classroom education with good sense and the great knowledge that can be gained from further research in the library.  She is free thinking and trusts the voice that is within her.

She was homeschooled until her sophomore year in high school, and now she is in college.  Family history is what motivates me to get up everyday and be the best that I can be so that my daughter and my posterity have a high mark to shoot for.  I have done all this on purpose.  They will remember a life lived void of excuse and void of offense.

Because they will know of my talents and weaknesses, they too will believe that they can be great and that wisdom will continue to resonate in the souls of future generations.  There is nothing like knowing the imperfections of a parent while at the same time having that parent be the one to set a standard for you. This legacy was passed to me by my parents, so I feel it is the least that I can offer my daughter.

My daughter, Adrianne, answers the question:  "How Important Is Family History?"
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