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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Save Your Family's Stories

When an ancestor dies it is as if a whole library burns to the ground. They take their memories and our history with them.  Your family stories and oral history also provide vital clues for for researching your family history. As you record and preserve stories and history, you are saving your own legacy and binding your family together for generations to come.

We just need to stop long enough to ask the right questions and listen. I have been very fortunate to have been able to formally interview the elders in my family. I have been able to find clues which helped me to discover the names and whereabouts of ancestors. I have also been blessed to discover how much I have in common with my forbears. Every time I get stuck in my research, I find someone to interview. I ask about names, dates, and places, but I also let the person I interview tell their stories. I record and transcribe these interviews. See Find Your Ancestor.

Need help with what to ask? Visit the following site:
50 Questions For Family History Interviews  because I find myself referring to them many times.


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